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Ultherapy Skin Tightening – the Power of Sound

Ultherapy Skin Tightening – the Power of Sound

Ultherapy delivers many of the same benefits as a facelift, without surgery. This innovative procedure tightens and firms the skin – but it’s totally non-invasive. And, it does it all using ultrasound technology. That makes Ultherapy perfect for patients who want to combat their sagging skin and wrinkles, but aren’t in love with the idea with going under the knife.

Ultherapy utilizes ultrasound waves to reach the foundational layer of your skin safely, without the need for cuts or invasive surgery. The waves deliver focused energy to the skin, which responds by producing more collagen. This kind of effect can also be achieved with injectables or other procedures, but, by using the power of sound, Ultherapy stimulates collagen growth without the need for needles or chemicals.

The result: lifted, tighter, and more toned skin. Ultherapy generally targets the brow, chin and neck areas. While it can take up to two or three months to see the full benefits of the procedure, some do see an effect right after treatment. It is interesting to note that, unlike some other office procedures (like fillers and injectables, which only have a short-term effect), the benefits of Ultherapy are long-lasting and you may still see them up to five years following the procedure.

Remember,  Ultherapy is no substitute for a facelift. During a facelift, your plastic surgeon simply has more access and more control to lift your skin and create a more youthful look

For the right patient, though, Ultherapy may be a more viable option. Since the procedure doesn’t require surgery, it makes for a much simpler and more convenient office visit. Many patients only require a single treatment, though it’s not uncommon to opt for two or three.

There’s also no downtime with Ultherapy. You might be flushed and sore after the procedure, but likely only for a few hours. After that, you’re able to resume your normal activities as your body starts to produce more collagen on its own.

So if you’d like to slow the effects of aging on your skin, but you’re not quite ready for a facelift, Ultherapy might be right for you.