Morpheus8 Body

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Pittsburgh, PA

Morpheus8 Body

Morpheus8 Body is a revolutionary way to achieve smoother, firmer skin without surgery. It is a fractional radiofrequency (RF) advanced needling device that can be used to treat areas on virtually any part of the body. This state-of-the-art system combines the power of radiofrequency energy with tiny needles to deliver precise, targeted treatments to the subdermal layer of the skin.

The energy used by the device is able to penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin, which can help tighten and tone the skin while smoothing wrinkles.While this is not a treatment for cellulite,  it may diminish the appearance of cellulite.

At Beleza Plastic Surgery, Dr. Anna Wooten offers the latest advancements in needling treatments to help patients improve the texture and tone of their bodies with minimal downtime. Morpheus8 Body is a safe, effective, and minimally-invasive body contouring solution for those who want to make subtle changes to their physique without undergoing more drastic procedures such as liposuction or a tummy tuck.

To book your personal consultation, call (412) 877-9388 to reach our office in Pittsburgh, or (724) 759-7777 for our Sewickley location. You can also complete an online inquiry form for more information about Morpheus8 Body treatment.

Non-Excisional Treatment

Sagging skin and uneven skin texture are common complaints and can persist even after a patient has received other aesthetic treatments. 

Skin laxity can vary from person to person. But when it is present, it can be notoriously difficult to solve without an excisional surgery. (1) Although procedures such as an arm lift, bra line lift, and abdominoplasty are extremely effective for more severe cases of skin laxity, they are sometimes not the most suitable option for people with only mild to moderate sagging and small fat deposits. Non-surgical solutions like Morpheus8 Body are also wonderful alternatives to surgery for men and women who cannot take the time out from their busy and active lifestyles to recover from surgery. Proper healing and recovery is of the utmost importance when it comes to the cosmetic outcomes of plastic surgery procedures and should not be compromised. If a patient wants firmer skin, but simply cannot take the time off to recover, non-invasive solutions like Morpheus8 Body, CoolSculpting, or EvolveX are good options.

Morpheus8 Body vs. Morpheus8

Morpheus8 is a multifaceted treatment platform that can be utilized in tissue rejuvenation throughout the face and body. With Morpheus8 Body, the advanced needling system penetrates even deeper into the skin to trigger the production of new skin-strengthening collagen and elastin. As a minimally-invasive treatment, it allows patients to solve skin laxity issues and excess fat deposits in multiple areas in a simple procedure that requires little preparation and little-to-no downtime.

Treatment Areas

Patients can take advantage of Morpheus8 Body in the following areas.

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Arms 
  • Underarms
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Knees 

How Does Morpheus8 Body Work?

Morpheus8 Body uses a combination of RF energy and slim needle-like electrodes to penetrate deep into the skin. 

This triggers an inflammatory response that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Radio-frequency microneedling works by delivering controlled and precise amounts of energy to the skin, so that the body’s natural healing process can take place. As the skin heals, new collagen and elastin are produced, which helps to improve the tone and texture of the skin.

Discover more about medspa treatments at Beleza by reading Dr. Wooten’s blog!

Pain Management During Morpheus8 Body

Patients often ask during their Morpheus8 Body consultations, “How painful is the Morpheus8 Body treatment?” We are happy to address that question with confidence. During a Beleza consultation, our providers educate on the ways in which we manage patient discomfort here at Beleza. Our office has protocols established to ensure patient comfort and satisfaction during treatment without the use of narcotics or general anesthetic. Patients are very comfortable during Morpheus8 Body treatments at Beleza and are able to drive themselves to and from their appointments.

Benefits Of Morpheus8 Body Treatments

Morpheus8 Body treatments offer numerous benefits for patients looking for a way to improve their skin quality without surgery.

  • Enhanced Skin Texture: The Morpheus8 Body treatment uses radiofrequency energy to penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving overall skin texture.
  • Improved Skin Tightness: The treatment helps to tighten sagging skin, especially in areas such as the abdomen, arms, and thighs.
  • Reduced Scarring: Morpheus8 Body treatment can also improve the appearance of scars caused by acne, injuries, or surgery, leaving your skin looking smoother and more even.
  • Little to No Downtime: The procedure is minimally invasive, and patients can typically resume their regular activities immediately after treatment.

In study after study, RF microneedling treatments like Morpheus8 Body have high rates of patient satisfaction because of their effective, enduring skin-tightening results. (2) We employ this innovative solution at Beleza to help patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

Schedule An Appointment

If you’re interested in learning more about how Morpheus8 Body treatments can help you achieve smooth and toned skin, schedule an appointment at Beleza Plastic Surgery in Pittsburgh and Sewickley, Pennsylvania. You can fill out a convenient online form, or call us at (724) 759-7777 for Sewickley, or (412) 877-9388 for our Pittsburgh office.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Morpheus8 Body?

Morpheus8 Body treatments are ideal for anyone looking to improve the look of their body without undergoing surgery. The procedure is typically recommended for people who have mild to moderate skin laxity, as well as those who want to reduce the appearance of fat deposits, stretch mark. It is important to note, however, that this treatment may not be ideal for those looking for a more dramatic transformation.

For a full list of surgical treatments at Beleza, please see our Procedures page.

Personal Consultation

A personal consultation is the first step towards determining whether you are a good candidate for Morpheus8 Body. During your consultation, one of our skin specialists will discuss your medical history and cosmetic concerns. They will then assess your skin and underlying structures to determine the best treatment approach. Not everyone is a good candidate for Morpheus8 Body and all possible options will be discussed. It is important to know going into your consultation that Morpheus8 Body and other non-invasive body contouring treatments are not weight loss solutions, but are targeted at managing areas of concern for patients who are already at their healthy weight.

Following your consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to review the details of your treatment plan so that you can make a confident and informed treatment decision.

Contact our offices today to schedule a consultation for your Morpheus8 Body treatment. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 


Once you’ve scheduled your Morpheus8 Body treatment, you’ll receive detailed instructions. Following these instructions closely will ensure that your procedure goes well.

  • Enhanced Skin Texture: The Morpheus8 Body treatment uses radiofrequency energy to penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving overall skin texture.
  • Improved Skin Tightness: The treatment helps to tighten sagging skin, especially in areas such as the abdomen, arms, and thighs.
  • Reduced Scarring: Morpheus8 Body treatment can also improve the appearance of scars caused by acne, injuries, or surgery, leaving your skin looking smoother and more even.
  • Little to No Downtime: The procedure is minimally invasive, and patients can typically resume their regular activities immediately after treatment.

Morpheus8 Body Treatment

During the procedure, your technician will use a handheld device to deliver radiofrequency energy and needling to the targeted area. The tiny needles create minute punctures in the skin, which triggers the body’s natural healing process and encourages collagen production. The radiofrequency energy heats the deep layers of the skin, which further stimulates collagen production and tightens the skin. As collagen production increases, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. By remodeling the soft tissue, Morpheus8 Body also helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and wrinkles.

Morpheus8 Body procedures typically take about 60-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. There is little to no downtime, and most patients can resume their normal activities immediately following the procedure. 

If you’re looking for a non-surgical solution to improve the appearance of your skin and achieve a more contoured body, schedule a consultation at Beleza Plastic Surgery. We’ll work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns and helps you achieve your desired results.

Morpheus8 Body Recovery and Results

Following your Morpheus8 treatment, the skin will feel warm and tender. Swelling and redness are normal and should fade within a few days. You may experience mild itching or tightness in the area, but these symptoms will quickly dissipate. We recommend keeping your skin clean and hydrated. Sun exposure should be avoided for at least two weeks following your treatment. Makeup can be worn immediately after your session. While some patients may only need one treatment to see their desired outcome, most patients may require 3-5 treatments to see their goal achieved. In some cases, additional treatments may be necessary.

Cost of Morpheus8 Body in Wexford, PA

The cost of Morpheus8 varies depending on the extent of treatment required and the number of sessions you book. You’ll receive an accurate estimate for the price of your procedure following your personal consultation. Get in touch with Beleza Plastic Surgery at (724) 759-7777 or fill out a form to connect with us.


Is Morpheus8 Body a laser treatment?

No, Morpheus8 is not a laser treatment. It uses radiofrequency energy to remodel the deep layers of the skin without damaging the outer layer.

What areas does Morpheus8 Body treat?

Morpheus8 Body can treat loose skin, stubborn fat, and cellulite in the following areas; back, chest, arms, underarms, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, and knees.

How long does it take to see results from Morpheus8 Body?

Most patients will begin to notice an improvement in their skin within two to three weeks of their treatment. Results will continue to improve over the next several months as collagen production continues. It may take up to one year to see the final results of treatment.

Is Morpheus8 painful?

While the treatment may be otherwise uncomfortable, Beleza has non-narcotic protocols in place to maintain patient comfort during treatment. With our protocols, patients find the treatments tolerable and rewarding. 


  1. Dayan E, Rovatti P, Aston S, Chia CT, Rohrich R, Theodorou S. Multimodal Radiofrequency Application for Lower Face and Neck Laxity. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2020;Latest Articles. doi: 
  2. Hendricks AJ, Farhang SZ. Dermatologic facial applications of Morpheus8 fractional radiofrequency microneedling. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. Published online August 2, 2022. doi: