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The Most Commonly Used Cosmetic Surgery Procedures in Pittsburgh PA

Many experts say that not all people are suitable for a specific type of cosmetic surgery in Pittsburgh PA. There may be some indicators or factors on the life of the patient that may influence his or her surgery decisions. Since most of the surgical cosmetic surgery procedures have enduring or stable results, it is very essential that you should be completely aware of every procedure that you want. Also, you have to make sure that you are fully aware of the pros and cons of every specific cosmetic surgery procedure.
It is also crucial to first know your different options with regards to the various procedures that are available. The following lists are some of the commonly used cosmetic surgery procedures that you can explore for good:
Abdminoplasty – This procedure, commonly known as tummy tuck procedure, can reshape your body figure for better appearance. It can also make your tummy firmer and flatter. In this surgical procedure, excessive fats and skin are removed from the lower and middle abdomen so as to tighten the fascia and muscle of your abdominal wall.
Blepharoplasty – This procedure, also known as eyelid surgery, can reshape the eyelids by applying permanent eyeliner. This type of treatment may be either cosmetic or functional, depending on the purpose of the patients. The purpose of this procedure is to reshape the lower and upper eyelid by repositioning or getting rid of the excess tissues. In some instances, it involves reinforcing surrounding tendons and muscles.
Mammoplasty – This procedure may include breast augmentation, breast reduction for both men and women and mastopexy. These three procedures that were mentioned have great discrepancies with one another. In breast augmentation procedure, the woman’s breasts will be enlarged. This is performed by utilizing either saline or silicone-gel breast implants. Breast reduction typically aims to reduce the breast’s size of the patient. Most women tend to undergo breast reduction because of an uneven size of one breast over another breast. However, most men want to undergo breast reduction (gynecomastia) because they want to decrease the size of their breasts in some way. Though they also try to do some exercises in gym and doing some daily routines, they can’t achieve the appearance that they want. So, this surgical operation can also help them towards a masculinity outlook. Breast lift (mastopexy) is done so as to raise the breast for a more youthful contour. Women who tend to undergo this procedure are ones who experienced rapid weight loss or pregnancy, and are also after breast improvement.
Rhinoplasty – This procedure, also known as a nose job, aims to enhance the appearance and function of your nose, especially if you have some breathing problems.
Otoplasty – This kind of treatment, widely known as ear surgery typically involves doing a treatment to the ears to make them closer to the head. However, the surgery may involve size reduction of very huge ears or bend reshaping of the cartilage. This procedure is commonly utilized for patients who have large ears, protruding ears and abnormal-shaped ears.
Liposuction – This is a kind of procedure that can reshape your body structure and figures. This is also known as fat modeling, lipectomy or lipo. In this procedure, fats are removed from different body parts – usually the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, neck, hips and even backs of your arms. In some cases, liposuction can also be utilized for gynecomastia or male breast reduction.
Chin augmentation – This procedure is very common to all since it also provides great results after the treatment. This treatment ultimately aims to provide the patients with a higher chin and even a better balance of the facial features.
These procedures cited above are just some of the cosmetic surgery procedures that are available. There are still some procedures that you can explore for good. If you want to explore and learn more about the specific procedure that you want, then you can visit your doctor for some consultation.
For more information please contact our Beleza plastic surgery office at 724-759-7777