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Astonishing Transformation! Breast Implants Give Pittsburgh Women Beautiful Results

When it comes to breast augmentation, there are many options from which patients have to choose. They can decide between saline and silicone gel implants in smooth or textured. The implant can be placed below the muscle, called submuscular, or above the muscle, called subglandular. There are also options for incision location. All of these choices will have an impact on the end result, but not as much as the choice of which surgeon to go to. The transformative surgeries done by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anna Wooten, FACS demonstrate the beauty of a well done breast augmentation.

Women who are contemplating breast augmentation  also have a choice between round and anatomical  breast implants. Anatomical implants may also be  called contoured, shaped, or tear – drop implants  because, unlike round implants, which h are uniformly  round, anatomical implants have a tear – drop shape  that more closely resembles the natural breast. The  upper part of this implant is flatter, while the lower  curve is fuller, much like a natural breast.  Additionally, these implants are textured to prevent  shifting because given their distinct shape, shifting  would lead to a change in the appearance.

Women are offered an exciting selection in breast  augmentation by  these newly approved  anatomical  implants.  In fact, many believe that this choice offers  the most natural – looking option for breast  enhancement. Not only can these implants provide a  fuller and firmer appearance to the breasts for the  patient looking for aesthetic enhancements, they can  create some lift to the breast, restoring lost volume  due to pregnancy, and balance out asymmetry  between the breasts. They can also be used for breast  reconstruction. The cohesive gel in these implants is a firm, form  stable gel that is similar in consistency to a gummy  bear. For this reason, cohesive gel implants are often  generically referred to as  “gummy bears”. These  implants maintain their form even after being  compressed, offering the best shape control, as well as  the firmer consistency of natural breast tissue.

Round  implants provide more of a  “ one size fits all ” approach, while anatomical implants are fully  customizable for the individual patient.  Of all breast implants followed in clinical trials,  anatomical cohesive gel implants have the lowest  complication rates of any type  of breast  implant,  including incidences of capsular formation, implant  migration and shell failure, as well as implant folding. Anatomical breast implants allow for a fully  customized and aesthetically pleasing solution for  enhancing both breast shape and volume. Being an  advanced tool for providing natural – looking, three  dimensional breast augmentation, the implants solve  common a esthetic concerns and specialized aesthetic  requirements equally well. At the same time,  anatomical implants provide the best long – term  performance of any implant. Anatomical breast implants will suit women who  desire a proportionate and natural – looking  augmentation, women who are slim, having moderate  breast tissue, women who have breastfed, women with  breast asymmetry, and al so women who want a breast  lift and augmentation simultaneously. If anatomical implants are something you would like  to explore, Dr. Anna Wooten would be happy to  discuss this option with you. Please call our office to  schedule your appointment.