The results of Breast Augmentation can be truly amazing. One look through Beleza’s before and after photo gallery shows the huge difference breast implants can make for a woman’s body, but it doesn’t stop there. Breast augmentation enhances your curves, which can also lead to an improvement in self-esteem and confidence.

One Beleza patient, who will go by the initials M.V., was willing to share her story:
“After having two babies – a sacrifice you willingly make – my body image was suffering, my confidence was suffering.”
Pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing had all changed M.’s body. She didn’t feel sexy, and it affected how she felt about herself. “I felt that it was hurting me emotionally,” she tells Beleza.

“By nature, I am more conservative. I certainly didn’t think that any aesthetic surgery was within my reach,” M. recalls. However, enough was enough, and, hoping to find a way to feel better about her body, M. decided to go ahead and schedule a consultation with Dr. Anna Wooten. During her in-depth consultation, M. spoke with Dr. Wooten about her needs.
“Dr. Wooten took her time to really understand me, and helped me find a size that worked for both my body and my personality.”

They planned her procedure, and M. booked a surgical date.
Her surgery went smoothly, and M. says “In my opinion, she [Dr. Wooten] performed artistry that day in the operating room.” After M. woke up in the recovery room, her healing process began. In the coming weeks and months, her surgical result began to appear, and she began to see herself in a new light. She felt sexy again, and self-esteem rocketed up as a result.
As a gift to the person who had been with her throughout the whole process, M. did a boudoir photo shoot for her significant other. Her final thoughts on the whole process?

M. just wants to share how much she appreciates Dr. Wooten’s personal approach.