Breast Augmentation Terms to Know

Every person has a unique shape and form, which makes breast augmentation surgery far from a one-size-fits-all procedure. In this blog post, Dr. Anna Wooten defines some of the most important terms to know when researching breast augmentation surgery.

Types and Placement of Implants

As you begin to research implant options, you should become familiar with the following types and placements of implants:

  • Silicone – Women frequently opt for silicone for their soft, natural feel. These implants are pre-filled with silicone gel according to the desired size.
  • Saline – A sterile saltwater solution, saline is injected into silicone shells after they have been positioned in the breast, creating minimal scarring.
  • Submuscular – By placing the implants below the pectoral muscle, tiny imperfections are hidden, creating the most natural look.
  • Subglandular – Placing implants above the muscle allows for a more comfortable and speedy recovery.

Incision Methods

While there are many different incision types, including, but not limited to, the ones listed below, Dr. Wooten performs her breast augmentations almost exclusively via an inframammary incision which minimizes risk and makes any scarring difficult to see.

  • Periareolar Incision – This minimally scarring incision, made along the outline of the areola, is ideal for augmentations that include nipple asymmetry corrections and/or breast lift.
  • Inframammary Incision – Implants are inserted through the fold on the underside of the breast, where scars are hidden from sight.
  • Transaxillary Incision – Scarring on the breast can be avoided by entering from underneath the armpit.
  • Transumbilical – Though infrequently used, some surgeons place the incision in the navel and work up towards the breast using a micro-camera attached to a surgical rod. This is only an option for saline implants.

Other Common Terms

Your doctor may also discuss the following concepts with you at your consultation:

  • Pole – The upper pole refers to the top part of your breast, whereas the lower pole is the portion of the breast below the nipple-areolar complex).
  • Implant Profile – How much the implant projects out from the chest. Low-profile implants are flatter in appearance; high profile implants are more dramatically full and round.

Only a board certified plastic surgeon can help you determine which incision and implant options are best for you. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Anna Wooten, call Beleza Plastic Surgery at (724) 759-7777.

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