Body Case #16587

Pregnancy left this patient with loose skin and stretched-out muscles that made her feel self-conscious about her tummy. She came to consult with Dr. Wooten to see what plastic surgery may be able to do for her. She and Dr. Wooten decided to do a Tummy Tuck. Dr. Wooten was able to place her abdominoplasty incision in the same place her C-sections scars were. On the right, she is shown about four years following her abdominoplasty. This series of photos is a really great example of how an abdominoplasty procedure, which repairs muscles separated by pregnancy, helps women to stay motivated and achieve fitness goals. Tummy tucks are not weight loss solutions, rather, they are a great procedure for otherwise healthy women who may want to tighten loose muscle and skin following pregnancy or weight loss. The repaired muscles respond well to exercise, and will help maintain an overall healthy physique, as shown on the right.
- Patient #: 16587
- Gender: Female
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Tummy Tuck