Breast Augmentation (Implants) Case #14098

This patient, a 27 year old woman, decided to make an appointment for a consultation regarding breast enhancement with Dr. Wooten after being unhappy with the appearance of her breasts for a while. After having children, she was very unhappy with the deflation she experienced following breast-feeding. During her consultation, she asked Dr. Wooten about how best to lift and enhance her bust. She asked about whether or not she needed a lift. They discussed her options, and decided that the best one would be a bilateral breast augmentation. 330 cc saline implants were placed in a submuscular position via inframammary fold incisions. Her surgery went smoothly and successfully, as evidenced by her “after” pictures.
- Patient #: 14098
- Gender: Female
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Breast Augmentation (Implants)