Breast Augmentation (Fat Transfer) Case #19104

This woman was concerned about the size and asymmetry of her breasts, but didn't feel ready for breast implants. Fat transfer with Dr. Wooten was the perfect solution! During the procedure, Dr. Wooten liposuction fat from the patients flanks, and both her inner and outer thighs. She then re-implanted the fat into her breasts. To account for the patient's existing asymmetry, Dr. Wooten implanted 460 cc's of fat into her right breast, and 380 cc's of fat into her left breast. On the right, she is shown healed at 7 months post-op, looking naturally fuller and more symmetric. What a lovely improvement!
- Patient #: 19104
- Gender: Female
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Breast Augmentation (Fat Transfer)