Blepharoplasty Case #21443

Interested in enhancing her beauty, while still maintaining the appearance of natural aging, this woman had a "quad blepharoplasty" with Dr. Wooten. A "quad" blepharoplasty (a.k.a. Eyelid surgery) indicates that Dr. Wooten operated on both her upper and lower eyelids. On the upper eyelids, Dr. Wooten removes excess skin. On the lower lids, Dr. Wooten goes in and removes any fat pad which may be causing a "bag" or bulge under the eye as well as removing excess skin. On the right, the patient is shown over two years after her surgery, looking refreshed and rejuvenated!
- Patient #: 21443
- Gender: Female
- Age: 51 - 60
- Procedure: Blepharoplasty