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What Can Morpheus8 & Morpheus8 Body Do For Me?

You may have heard of Morpheus8 as the hottest treatment championed by Kim Kardashian – the woman “famous for nothing.” What’s the reality? Kim Kardashian is actually super-famous for her “look.” She understands the value of a magnetic appearance, and it is clear that she invests heavily in her appearance. Kardashian has developed deep relationships with her dermatologists and plastic surgeons, and is always on the cutting edge of the aesthetic industry. She invests in the latest beauty treatments, and Morpheus8 is the hottest thing that she has posted about.

Morpheus8 is a radio-frequency micro-needling therapy, which is a minimally invasive laser treatment. This procedure is done in a series to stimulate collagen growth, smooth fine lines, scars, and brighten skin. Who wouldn’t want that?

Interested patients in the Pittsburgh and Sewickley area can count on Beleza Plastic Surgery to deliver youthful, decadent skin with this exciting treatment. To see how this treatment works, reserve your initial consultation by calling Pittsburgh at (412) 877-9388 or the Sewickley office at (724) 759-7777

The Benefits of Morpheus8

So, the question you may be thinking to yourself is: “what can Morpheus8 do for me?”

For your face, Morpheus8 will tighten, firm, smooth and brighten. It will decrease symptoms of active acne, and will improve existing acne scarring. If any type of acne scarring is your primary concern – let us know! We can combine topical and injectable therapies with your Morpheus8 treatments to maximize your results for the cutting edge in minimally invasive acne scar solutions. 

The Benefits of Morpheus8 Body

For your body, Morpheus8 Body is a deeper treatment geared towards firming loose, sagging, and aging skin. Morpheus8 Body can improve dimpling, crepe-y skin texture and all of our other nightmare skin issues that we face as we age or after weight loss.

How Do I Find Out If This is the Treatment That I need?

Beleza Plastic Surgery complimentary on-location consultations and virtual consultations with our nurse injectors and with our licensed aesthetician (who is our chief provider for Morpheus8). This is a no-cost, no-commitment way to learn about treatment. We offer this because we are just that confident. Beleza Plastic Surgery believes that if you learn about the Morpheus8 & Morpheus8 Body treatments and understand the value you will get out of it, you’ll be back. If not – that’s okay!

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