Laser Hair Removal

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Pittsburgh, PA

Laser hair removal is a procedure that allows you to achieve permanent hair reduction, helping you to feel more confident and free in your body. Certain patches of hair can be embarrassing, and you may dread the pains of waxing, depilatory creams, and shaving- especially with the risk of ingrown hairs, skin infection, burns, razor bumps, and overall irritation. 

If this resonates with you, you’re not alone; laser hair removal has become one of the most popular and common ways to manage unwanted, dark, or coarse hair for a variety of reasons. The procedure is much more comfortable than waxing or electrolysis, and it leaves your skin feeling smooth and healthy- unharmed by the laser energy. 

Before and After Photos

At Beleza Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, we understand your frustrations when it comes to hair growth. Our laser technicians are highly trained professionals who can customize your treatment with your skin type and hair color in mind. Our reputable practice is led by the expertise and guidance of Dr. Anna Wooten, a board-certified plastic surgeon with specialties in both body and facial cosmetics. At our office, we have 15+ years of experience treating patients with laser hair removal, resulting in thousands of satisfied patients. Today, we offer the latest and best laser technology for hair removal, Candela’s GentleMax Pro Plus. 

If you are a man or woman of the Pittsburgh or Cranberry Township area, book your appointment at our location in Sewickley, PA, where your vision for silky smooth, hair-free skin can come alive. You can reach our staff online or you can call (724) 759-7777 to get in touch for a consultation or more information today! 

How Does Laser Energy Remove Hair? 

All laser energy- and light in general- is measured by its wavelength. Different wavelengths treat different skin issues and have different effects on the skin. For example, light with a wavelength between 100 and 400 nanometers (a unit of measurement) is considered to be UV light, the type of light that can cause premature aging due to its effect on the DNA of the skin. Lasers for skin rejuvenation, on the other hand, can target the treated area of the skin to provoke healing processes to increase collagen and contribute to an overall youthful appearance. 

Laser for hair removal utilizes wavelengths that target melanin within the hair. Melanin is the very pigment that gives both skin and hair their distinctive colors. When melanin in hair absorbs this type of light, it converts to thermal energy that effectively damages and destroys hair follicles. Areas of the hair follicle that are affected are the hair matrices, the roots of the hair follicle that contain cells called hair-building keratinocyte cells and melanin-producing melanocyte cells. With the application of thermal energy, the ability of the targeted hair matrices to produce hair is impeded so that the hair that comes back after each laser treatment is much lighter, thinner, and more sparse. (1) 

Candela’s GentleMax Pro Plus Laser

The Most Effective Laser Hair Removal 

Beleza Plastic Surgery has invested in Candela’s GentleMax Pro Plus laser because Dr. Wooten believes that it is the finest laser hair removal technology available today.

It is a dual-wavelength laser, meaning that it has two different wavelengths of light that can be used to target different types of hair and skin. The 755 nm Alexandrite laser is ideal for treating fine, light-colored hair on lighter skin tones, while the 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser is ideal for treating coarser, darker hair on all skin tones, including darker skin tones. (2) This makes it one of the most versatile laser hair removal systems that is safe for all skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale. 

Versatile and Efficient 

The GentleMax Pro Plus laser is fast and efficient, treating large areas of skin in a short amount of time. Women often choose to have their legs, underarms, or bikini areas treated, while some men may choose to do their backs, chests, or even fingers. Another popular option for men is ‘beard-shaping.’ This targets hairs on their necks and cheeks, to allow for a more defined beard-line. The laser also has a large spot size, which means that it can cover more skin with each pulse, further reducing treatment time.

Gentle On the Skin 

The GentleMax Pro Plus laser is safe and comfortable. It utilizes a patented dynamic cooling device (DCD) to protect the skin during treatment. When we ask our patients about their comfort levels during treatment, they consistently say this is the least painful hair removal experience they have ever had, thanks to the cooling effects of the cryogen spray

Finally, the GentleMax Pro Plus laser has been clinically proven to be highly effective at permanent hair reduction. Studies have shown that the laser can reduce hair growth by up to 90% after just a few treatments, though, we recommend anywhere from 6 to 10 treatments for most patients.

Manufactured With Excellence

In addition to the above benefits, this laser is also backed by a long history of innovation and excellence. Candela is a leading manufacturer of many laser hair removal systems, and the GentleMax Pro Plus laser is their most advanced system to date. Beleza is proud to be the first practice in the region to carry this technology.

GentleMax Pro Laser v.s. GentleMax Pro Plus Laser 

The GentleMax Pro Plus laser is the latest version of Candela’s previous GentleMax Pro laser. Beleza patients can reap the benefits of more updated technology, including: 

  • Every GentleMax Pro capability. 
  • Short pulses of only 2 milliseconds allow for better targeting of fine hairs and increased hair reduction overall. (3) 
  • 38% more fluence– energy transference per area. 
  • Laser spot sizes of 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 mm
  • Improved repetition rate– the number of pulses emitted at a given timeframe.

Personal Consultation

When you come into the Beleza office for your initial laser hair removal consultation, you will meet with our Nurse Practitioner. They will spend time with you, answering any questions you may have, discussing your concerns, and reviewing your skincare history. 

While our lasers are highly effective, they, like all other laser procedures, require multiple treatments for the effects to be long-lasting. Your Beleza provider will be able to estimate how many sessions you will need to achieve the results you’re looking for. They will provide you with further information on how to best care for your skin during your treatment. 

To get started feeling amazing in your skin again, call our office in Sewickley, PA at (724) 759-7777, or request your consultation online. A staff member will guide you toward the next step toward attaining the long-lasting results you desire. 

How Do I Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Your Beleza provider will advise you to avoid sun exposure for at least 1 month before your treatment session. If you can’t avoid the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more; any amount of sun-damaged skin can affect the quality of your results. You should avoid plucking, waxing, and depilatory creams for at least 6 weeks before so that your hair follicles have adequate melanin for the laser energy to target. (4) Within 24-48 hours prior to your appointment, you should shave the treatment area, but refrain from applying any lotions, makeup, or deodorants on the day of your procedure. 

Procedure Steps

Depending on the size and number of areas you will have treated, the laser hair removal procedure itself may take as little as a few minutes. Many patients feel that the cryogen cooling spray on the Candela GentleMax Pro Plus is so effective, they can barely feel discomfort. If patients do feel any level of discomfort,Beleza’s laser technician will clean the treatment area and apply a numbing cream prior to treatment to keep laser hair removal sessions as comfortable as possible. This cream usually may take about 30 to 60 minutes to fully settle in. If you still feel nervous about the procedure, your technician can administer ProNox, an inhaled medication for pain and anxiety management. They will then provide you with protective glasses to wear during the procedure. Despite this, you should not look directly into the laser beam at any time.

By gently guiding the handheld laser device across your skin, they will apply beams of laser energy to the targeted hair follicles. Each time the laser pulses, you may feel a very slight stinging sensation. Many patients report this is tolerable and causes minimal discomfort.

The laser energy will affect the hair follicles in their anagen phase, a period where the hair/s in each follicle are growing and thickening. During this time, follicles store melanin deep within the skin and the hair/s are well-attached to the papilla, a structure that provides each follicle with a nutritious blood supply. The laser can penetrate more effectively with more melanin and destroy the very near-microscopic structures responsible for hair growth. 

Aftercare Instructions and Results 

After your laser hair removal procedure, your skin may exhibit some mild swelling and redness, but these side effects may go away within a few hours of your session. For the next few days, you should avoid applying lotions, perfumes, and makeup to the area; this will allow your skin to heal fully without outside irritants. You should avoid direct sunlight for at least 6 weeks post-treatment. Even if you aren’t in direct sunlight, harmful rays can still reflect off of surfaces and cause sun damage. For this reason, it’s important to apply sunscreen daily

Once you are finished with your last course of laser hair removal, you can expect about 70% of the unwanted hair in the treated area to be gone for good! Other hairs that remain will be much finer, lighter, and easier to manage. To best maintain your results, your technician may recommend periodic maintenance treatments to maintain the results after your initial 6 to 10-session series. 

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost in Pittsburgh? 

The cost of your laser hair removal will vary  based priomarily on the size and number of the areas you would like to treat. At Beleza, we will provide you with an exact price quote with all of these determining factors taken into consideration. If you are interested in the advanced technology that the GentleMax Pro Plus laser can offer but are concerned about the cost, feel free to apply for one of our financing options, which include an option for delayed payment at 6 months / 0% interest. 

To reach out for more details and personalized recommendations call our location near Pittsburgh, at (724) 759-7777, or fill out our contact form. We will be happy to find a consultation date and time that is most convenient for you. To find out more about our other available minimally invasive procedures, browse through Dr. Wooten’s blog


  1. Tanvi Vaidya, Dinesh Kumar D. Laser Hair Removal. Published June 2, 2019. 
  2. Ross Edward V, Domankevitz Y. Hair Removal With Blended 755/1064 nm Laser Energy. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2021;53(8):1020-1025. doi: 
  3. Chui YCC. Evaluating the efficacy of 2-millisecond versus 3-millisecond Pulse Duration in Laser Hair Removal using a 755 nm Alexandrite laser. The PMFA Journal. Published September 11, 2023. Accessed January 15, 2024. 
  4. Vaidya T, Hohman MH, Kumar D D. Laser Hair Removal. PubMed. Published 2023. Accessed January 15, 2024.