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3 Serious Ways to Combat Dull Skin!

When was the last time that someone told you that you were “glowing?” It’s a lovely compliment to receive, but if you haven’t heard it in a while, chances are that you might be suffering from dull skin – a problem we work to fight here in Beleza Plastic Surgery’s Pittsburgh medi-spa.

Healthy, youthful skin seems to radiate or “glow.” Conversely, skin loses its radiance as we age. This loss can be caused by environmental factors as well, like smoking and poor nutritional choices. That’s because bad habits like these can inhibit circulation, which in turn deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients. Skin cells then become unhealthy, and without regular exfoliation, they’ll start to lose their glow.

Even with the healthiest lifestyle, though, your skin will start to lose its radiance over time. On average, skin cell renewal decreases by about 7 percent every ten years. Dull skin is, unfortunately, part and parcel of the aging process.

Because of this, there are plenty of over-the-counter remedies for dull skin, from creams to exfoliators to makeup. You may have tried some of these and felt that the result was not quite what was promised. When our Pittsburgh skincare patients feel ready for a clinical result, they turn to Beleza’s medi-spa services. Here are the top three ways we brighten dull skin.


Also known as “blading,” dermaplaning is an effective non-chemical procedure for exfoliating the skin. At its core, dermaplaning is just manual exfoliation. Our aesthetician uses a surgical blade to manually remove dead skin cells, clearing the way for healthy new skin cells to replenish.

Dermaplaning is a great option for anyone who wants to restore the glow to their skin, but it’s especially useful for people who want to avoid the use of chemicals or who need a quick procedure with very little recovery time.

Chemical Peels

If you need a deeper exfoliation, then you might be a good candidate for a chemical peel. During a chemical peel, our aesthetician uses a safe but effective chemical mask to remove dead skin cells and promote an even, radiant skin tone.

Chemical peels come in a variety of different strengths. Micropeels are quick and require no downtime whatsoever (they can even be completed on your lunch break). Deeper peels are also available for more serious cases of dull skin.

For more information, watch our aesthetician, Andrea C. Smith explain the process below.


If you need a deep exfoliation but you’re unsure about the use of chemicals, then microdermabrasion might be right for you. Best for younger patients who are looking for a little pampering, microdermabrasion helps to shed dead skin cells and brighten complexions.

During microdermabrasion, we’ll use a state-of-the-art, FDA-approved machine to slough off dead skin cells so that more radiant skin cells can come to the surface. This machine uses microcrystals to not only remove dead skin but to stimulate collagen production as well. It may sound complicated, but don’t worry: microdermabrasion carries minimal risk and the potential for fantastic results.

This treatment isn’t just for dull skin, either. Microdermabrasion can be used to treat everything from crow’s feet to blackheads and more.

Consistency in Medi-spa Treatments is Key!

One thing to note about all of these procedures is that while they’re relatively simple, one isolated treatment isn’t going to solve your skin problems. We generally offer exfoliating treatments in affordable pre-paid packages because a consistent series of treatments will yield far greater results than a “one-and-done” visit to our office.

If you’re not sure which skincare treatment is right for you, call us for a skincare consultation at (724) 759-7777. Our Pittsburgh medi-spa will be happy to guide you through the decision-making process.